Author Archives: Andrew Foti

New legal services model offers virtual general counsel | Financial Post

New legal services model offers virtual general counsel | Financial Post

A new legal services firm, Avokka Virtual General Counsel, is offering part-time general counsel for mid-sized companies ($10M – $75M) who think they can’t afford one. Launched in mid-February, Toronto-based Avokka also offers experienced counsel to boost in-house legal teams who need additional help for special problems and projects. “Avokka offers only the services of … Continued

Why Avōkka…?

Why Avōkka…?

Innovation in legal services is long overdue. Everyone is calling for it, and becoming increasingly impatient that it’s not happening fast enough. Even the President of the Canadian Bar Association has recently said out loud, “Lead the change, or be forced to follow.” I chose to lead. Clients care about outcomes, not hours. The legal … Continued